
 Hi everyone!

Many moons ago I used to blog sorta, kinda regularly. I am going to introduce myself cause this blog is gonna cover the things I am doing now. I still do the things I used to, but these days I am mostly knitting and cross stitching. And well there is ALWAYS cooking going on, after all we are cajuns lol.

So I live in south central Louisiana. Heart of Cajun Country. We have 4 children here, 5 in heaven. We have 6 grandchildren so far. We have 2 yorkie poos and a cat. This post is gonna tell you about our family and I will post again with cross stitching etc. 

So my hubby and I have been married 50 years next month. Our children are planning a "renewal" of our vows. Sorta lol.  All of our children and grandchildren will participate in some way. Hubby and I were high school sweethearts. We dated 7 years before we married. He is my best friend. He is my rock. He is my safe place. 

In November of 2014 he fell 6 foot off of a crane and landed on concrete. He thought he broke his leg. I was working at the time for a psychiatrist office as an insurance specialist. I got a call from him saying meet me at urgent care I think I broke my leg. As I said above he is my rock. I was a wreck. He is never sick. He had never been in the hospital other than when he was born. he was 61 years old when he fell. Doc had someone else in the office drive me to meet him as I was in a panic. When I got there he was sitting in a wheelchair waiting to be seen. They had x-rayed him before I got there. The doctor came out and said he had to go to the nearest hospital as his pelvis was broken. Not his leg. 

We arrived by ambulance to the hospital and there learned that he had actually broken his pelvis in 3 places on the right side and would need trauma surgery. Only 4 doctors in our state at the time performed the surgery he needed and of course none of them were located here. By now it is early evening. He fell around 3 in the afternoon. They placed a call first to Baton Rouge to the doctor that if you need this particular surgery, he is your first choice. A lot of people were praying we would get this doctor. He was actually walking to the door to leave when he received the page. He took the call and agreed to do the surgery early the next morning as he had a surgery scheduled for the next morning. So another (longer) ambulance ride to Baton Rouge this time. Our two oldest daughters got my car from urgent care to my home, packed a bag for us and drove to meet us in Baton Rouge. They remained with us from the Thursday night late (day he fell) to the Saturday. Their families drove to meet them and drive back as they hadn't slept much while at the hospital. Doctor said surgery would take about 1 hour 15 minutes. At 45 minutes they called us to the back and said doctor would be out shortly. To say I wanted to freak out is an understatement. But two of my children were there (Yes they were adults, but they are still my children). I knew if I freaked out they would too. Doctor said everything went great and he was done. We stayed in that hospital for 4 days. He was then moved to a physical rehab hospital here in town for the next month and a half. He came home right before Christmas. He would have in home therapy after coming home and then out patient therapy for about 3 months. He fell in November and returned to work light duty in February. Everyone was shocked. Doctor said hubby was determined to do whatever he had to do to get back as much as he could to normal. His attitude was amazing. It still is. He is now 71 and still works full time (his choice). The first question he asked before surgery was when can I get back on my crane. Sigh. I wanted the doctor to say never. But he didn't. Said that depended on his recovery. By April he was back on the crane and I was a nervous wreck the first couple of months. Two weeks after his fall the company put in the safety stuff hubby had been asking for. Later we found out he had destroyed his right rotator cuff and compressed a disc in his back that causes numbness in right leg and drop foot on that side. He will eventually need a reverse shoulder replacement (probably). He and surgeon agree that as long as he can fish, hunt, etc he will put off surgery. Hubby really doesn't ever want to have surgery again even though things went way better that we could have hoped for.

The last week that hubby was home before going back to work, he got me a valentines present. A yorkie poo. Our toy poodles had both died at ages 14 and 15 one and two years prior. I was finally ready for another dog. We had the cat already. We got her as a kitten and she is now 14 years old. He spent the last week home in the recliner holding "my" puppy. She quickly became his. Her name is Ebbie. At about 3 years old, she is now 9, she developed seizures which was diagnosed as epilepsy about 2 years later. She is on daily meds for this, but still has seizures sometimes. Lately they have been a little more frequently and we may have to increase or add a medicine if the diet changes we are making don't space them out again. Occasionally we have to increase over the years. Our second yorkie poo came about 2 years later. Her name is Josie. She is mine! I was working at an office for 2 psychologist when I got her. They helped me train and have her certified as a service dog for my anxiety. She was a natural. She helped many of our patients as well as me with anxiety. She also wakes us up if Ebbie has seizure during the night. She is never far from me and right now is sitting at my feet lol. 

Next post will be about my children. This one is long enough. 

Please leave me questions or comments. I would love to check out your blogs, youtubes, etc. 

Till next time!
